UIP Buenos Aires

Welcoming Words

From our NATional PresidentS

It is an honor for us to express the immense joy of being part of the organizing committee for the XXI World Congress of the International Union of Phlebology (UIP), Buenos Aires 2025. As presidents of the host societies and members of the group of Scientific Societies throughout Latin America, it represents a true commitment to provide the most unconditional support in creating a space where the knowledge and experience of specialists from all over the world attending this great event are reflected and appreciated. We will share our knowledge and enrich ourselves with new contributions, always aiming for the highest scientific level.

We are all Buenos Aires, a synonym for the cooperative spirit of all Latin America, characterized by inclusivity and the ability to work together. We are a group eager to enrich ourselves through exchange, showcasing what we know and absorbing what we are taught.

We will share our rich cultures by opening our hearts, making everyone feel at home. These will be days filled with scientific activity but also with great camaraderie, embracing the specialty we all love and forging new and true fraternal bonds.

Enjoy Buenos Aires; it will be a great pleasure to have you all with us.

We look forward to seeing you.



President of the Argentinian College of Venous and Lymphatic Surgery-CACVYL


President of the Argentinian Society of Phlebology and Lymphology – SAFyL

LATAM Presidents Welcoming Words

Dear Colleagues and Friends,

We are very pleased to announce that Latin America is enthusiastically preparing to receive the XXI World Congress of the International Union of Phlebology. This emblematic event symbolizes the strength and union of our ties, stronger than ever, ready to offer an unforgettable experience in the beautiful city of Buenos Aires.

The vibrant energy of Latin American Phlebology is now expressed in Buenos Aires, spreading from Tierra del Fuego in Chile to Tijuana in Mexico. We are at a crucial stage to benefit from the light of phlebological and lymphological scientific knowledge worldwide.

This XXI World Congress of the International Union of Phlebology and Lymphology marks the return of this prestigious event to Latin America.

Dear colleagues, we are sure that the waiting has been worth it. More than 23 societies have been united, grown and gathering together make this congress the most inclusive in the history of our organization.

We extend a cordial invitation to join us in Buenos Aires in 2025. We are going to share knowledge, innovations and foster new collaborations that will certainly enrich our practice and understanding of phlebology and lymphology.

We look forward to your valuable presence and participation.

Chunga Prieto

LATAM President XXI UIP World Congress Buenos Aires 2025


President of the Uruguay Society of Phlebology and Lymphology – SUFYL

Rodriguez Reyes

LATAM President XXI UIP World Congress Buenos Aires 2025

Lorena Grillo

UIP Vicepresident for Latinamerica

Carlos Simkin

UIP Vicepresident for Latinamerica

Building Bridges

“Welcome to Buenos Aires 2025”

I In the wonderful city of Buenos Aires, vibrant center of Latin America culture, the XXI UIP World Congress Buenos Aires 2025will take place, welcoming the entire healthcare professional community of Phlebology, Lymphology and all close specialties

We look forward to welcoming the more than 80 UIP member Societies from all the continents It’s our first commitment to make sure all the members and attendees will feel at home and pro-activley engaged in both the scientific and social activities.

In addition, international societies from other specialties will be present in an interdisciplinary scientific framework to discuss common problems, with the support of ISL; ISTH, Cardiovascular Surgery, Wound care, etc.

Many Universities will be invited to discuss educational topics, trying to unify professional training in the framework of the UIP curriculum. Latin American societies will brainstorm on common regional issues.

We are guided by a truly conciliatory spirit and the universities and scientific societies we represent, responsible for medical education, try to preserve and expand it to other related specialties, eager to share these events.

It is a great pleasure to present to our colleagues a scientific program of high academic level within the framework of a Continuing Medical Education program that gathers a great number of global and national referent professionals that day by day are in charge of cultivating in young minds an ethical and investigative spirit that encourages intellectual growth.



It is a great pleasure to present to our colleagues a scientific program of high academic level within the framework of a Continuing Medical Education program that gathers a great number of global and national referent professionals that day by day are in charge of cultivating in young minds an ethical and investigative spirit that encourages intellectual growth.

The effort made in the organization of this Congress is rewarded with your presence, hoping that this representative event of our thought will continue to be a tool for growth and unity.


Why we ALL are Buenos Aires 2025

Why we ALL are UIP

“We ALL are Buenos Aires 2025” is the line chosen for this historical event and it is a clear statement related to one of the main values promoted by the International Union of Phlebology (UIP)


In Buenos Aires, the meeting doors of The World Society dedicated to Phlebology and Lymphology will be fully open to ALL the healthcare professionals dedicated to vein lymphatic practice..and not “only”. Indeed, the event is designed to offer the unique chance of a bird-eye view on ALL the evidence-based met and unmet needs in the field, together with the opportunity to reach out to related sectors, inside and outside the healthcare professional world. Since last years, the actions UIP has been taking focus on enhancing the scientific quality and the educational opportunities, while providing advocacy and veinlymphatic awareness for both the colleagues and patients around the globe.

These are also the “pillars” of the 2025 World Congress, a “house” where all the attendees can feel comfortable in expressing their contribution, as long as moral and appropriate. It’s our deepest pleasure to notice how this call to action has been already so well received by so many colleagues from all continents. The only way in which we can really accomplish the UIP mission of properly representing the Vein and Lymphatic world is by pro-actively co-working all together, following the highest Ethics and Expertise.

Last but not least, I’d like to profoundly thank the Latam hosting team: the top quality of the initiative is guaranteed by the more than significant experience of the Latin America Organizers, who have been repeatedly showcasing international educational events of top technical quality, enriched by the deepest and most pleasant humane touch. A special care has been put in lowering the registration fee in order to make the Congress accessible to all. 

This decision goes with many other opportunities of global engagement that will occur at Buenos Aires 2025 World Congress: the meeting will represent literally an “event” in UIP history considering that, in order to accomplish the UIP mission according to its deepest values of quality, inclusiveness and ethics, it will be the first World Congress managed directly by the UIP, in collaboration with the hosting societies.

Looking forward to welcoming ALL the ones promoting professional, personal, scientific and moral appropriateness, I remain at full disposal of ALL “U.I.P.eople” and of ALL the ones who will like to get involved with the Phlebology & Lymphology World

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